CMD Commands - Command Prompt Commands #cmd #commands #windows

1. **cd**: Change directory

2. **dir**: List directory contents

3. **mkdir**: Create a directory

4. **rmdir**: Remove a directory

5. **del**: Delete files

6. **copy**: Copy files

7. **xcopy**: Extended copy with more options

8. **move**: Move files

9. **rename**: Rename files

10. **type**: Display contents of a text file

11. **echo**: Display text or enable/disable echoing of commands

12. **cls**: Clear the command prompt window

13. **exit**: Exit the command prompt

14. **ipconfig**: Display IP configuration

15. **ping**: Send ICMP echo request to a network host

16. **netstat**: Display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, etc.

17. **tasklist**: List running processes

18. **taskkill**: Terminate a running process

19. **shutdown**: Shutdown or restart the computer

20. **systeminfo**: Display system configuration information

21. **gpupdate**: Update group policies

22. **gpresult**: Display group policy information

23. **regedit**: Open the registry editor

24. **attrib**: Change file attributes

25. **chkdsk**: Check and repair disk problems

26. **format**: Format a disk

27. **sfc**: System File Checker - scan and repair system files

28. **diskpart**: Disk partitioning tool

29. **wmic**: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line

30. **powercfg**: Power configuration tool

31. **cipher**: Encrypt or decrypt files and folders

32. **net**: Manage network resources

33. **sc**: Service Control Manager

34. **robocopy**: Robust file copy utility

35. **netsh**: Network Shell

36. **bcdedit**: Boot Configuration Data Editor

37. **bcdboot**: Boot Configuration Data Store Repair

38. **net user**: Manage user accounts

39. **net localgroup**: Manage local groups

40. **net share**: Manage shared resources

41. ipconfig/displayall - shows all the dns ip

42. ipconfig/flushdns - clear all the dns which were recorded

43.wmic cpu get NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors - processor core and logical processor.

44.**color 2 & curl**


- **cleanmgr /sageset**


- The `/sageset` option is used to configure the Disk Cleanup utility in Windows. It allows users to specify which types of files they want to clean up.


1. **Configuration:**


    - When you run `cleanmgr /sageset`, it opens the Disk Cleanup Settings dialog box. Here, you can select the categories of files to delete (e.g., Temporary Internet Files, Recycle Bin, etc.).

2. **Usage:**


    - You can use a unique number (n) with `/sageset` to save these settings. For example, `cleanmgr /sageset:1` will create a configuration with the identifier 1.

3. **Execution:**


    - After setting up your cleanup preferences, you can run the cleanup using the `/sagerun` option with the same number. For example, `cleanmgr /sagerun:1` will execute the cleanup tasks configured with `sageset:1`.
