What is SFTP?
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a secure method for transferring files between systems using SSH (Secure Shell). Unlike traditional FTP, SFTP encrypts both the data and the commands, ensuring secure communication over networks. It provides secure file access, transfer, and management functionalities.
SFTP is commonly used to upload or download files to a remote server, especially in environments where security is critical, such as transferring sensitive data or interacting with cloud servers. It operates similarly to FTP but over an encrypted SSH connection.
https://www.photosync-app.com/support/basics/answers/how-to-transfer-to-a-linux-device explain the artilce
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The article explains how to transfer files, such as photos and videos, between a Linux device and the PhotoSync app using SFTP (SSH over FTP). It guides you through configuring SFTP on the Linux device, setting up the connection within PhotoSync, and selecting files for transfer. It covers both sending photos to the Linux device and receiving files from it, with steps on choosing directories, handling file overwrites, and customizing transfer settings like quality and destination folders.
For more details, visit the full article [here](https://www.photosync-app.com/support/basics/answers/how-to-transfer-to-a-linux-device).
Here are the steps to transfer files from PhotoSync to a Linux device:
1. **Enable SFTP on Linux**: Install OpenSSH if needed and ensure the SSH service is running.
2. **Connect PhotoSync**:
- Open the app.
- Add your Linux device as a target by entering its IP, username, and password in SFTP settings.
3. **Transfer Files**:
- Select files on your mobile device in PhotoSync.
- Choose your Linux device as the target and start the transfer.
For more details, visit [PhotoSync guide](https://www.photosync-app.com/support/basics/answers/how-to-transfer-to-a-linux-device).
To install OpenSSH on a Linux system:
1. **Update your system**:
sudo apt update
2. **Install OpenSSH server**:
sudo apt install openssh-server
3. **Enable and start the SSH service**:
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh
4. **Check SSH status**:
sudo systemctl status ssh
Once installed, your Linux device will be ready to accept SFTP transfers.
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a secure method of transferring files between devices using SSH (Secure Shell). It encrypts both the commands and data, ensuring safe transfers over insecure networks.
Here’s how to use SFTP after installing OpenSSH:
1. **Connect to your Linux server**:
sftp username@your-server-ip
2. **SFTP commands**:
- Upload file: `put local-file-path`
- Download file: `get remote-file-path`
- List files: `ls`
- Change directory: `cd directory-path`
For more info, see the OpenSSH documentation.
Here are basic SFTP commands:
1. **Connect to server**:
sftp username@server-ip
2. **Navigate directories**:
- **Change local directory**: `lcd /local/path`
- **Change remote directory**: `cd /remote/path`
3. **Upload files**:
put /local/path/file
4. **Download files**:
get /remote/path/file
5. **List files**:
6. **Exit**:
This lets you securely transfer files between devices over SSH.
So you can create a user for that particular directory to access have the permission of read and write.
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