
Showing posts from August, 2024

Recycle Bin #windows  Timestamps 00:00 - Useful Information 00:52 - Reycle Bin Settings 01:28 - Set Max and Minimum Size for Recycle Bin 03:45 - Permanently Delete Files without sending to Recycle bin 05:25 - Change Recycle Bin ICON 07:20 - Enable Recycle Bin for Removable Drives 09:55 - Open Recycle Bin using RUN command

NAS #Server

 Tailscale for remotoley sync snapshoting without effecting from ransomware attack

Folder or Directory Customization #windows #windowscustomization part - 2

Change icon of ur folder Download icon of folder related to that folder and convert it to .ico files and change by going to their properties changing icon browser icon and yeah u are done. Convert png or jpg to .ico icon files websites to download icons Folder Colorizer - Software Font -

How to create folder in windows with special characters #windows #cmd #directory #folder

 Open cmd as an administrator is an option mkdir fiolder name with special character ex- mkdir Software#%$

How to write ur name on taskbar in windows #windows #windowscustomization

 Right click on taskbar Toolbars New Toolbars Create a folder of ur name and then with new toolbars option choose the folder and boom restart after that.

How to fix corrupt file/folder/anything in windows #windows

Open cmd as an admininstrator chkdsk X: /f remove X with drive letter.

Home Server Services #server #homeserver #serverservices #services

 When setting up a home server, there are various services you might consider based on your needs and interests. Here’s a list of popular home server services categorized by their purpose: ### 1. **File Storage and Sharing** - **Nextcloud**: A powerful self-hosted cloud storage platform. - **OwnCloud**: Another open-source cloud storage solution. - **Samba**: Provides file sharing and printer services to SMB/CIFS clients. - **Resilio Sync**: Peer-to-peer file synchronization tool. - **Syncthing**: Open-source continuous file synchronization tool. ### 2. **Media Servers** - **Plex**: A media server for streaming movies, TV shows, and music. - **Jellyfin**: An open-source media server alternative to Plex. - **Emby**: A media server that organizes and streams your media. - **Kodi**: A media center application for managing and playing multimedia content. - **Subsonic**: A web-based media streaming server, primarily for music. ### 3. **Web Hosting** - **Apache**: A popular web server softwa

Nextcloud change where is data store change the path #nextcloud #googledrivealternative #server

 To change the data storage path for Nextcloud, you need to follow a series of steps. This process involves moving your existing data directory to a new location and updating Nextcloud's configuration to point to the new location. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do this: ### 1. **Prepare the New Data Directory** 1. **Create the New Data Directory:**    First, create the new directory where you want to store your Nextcloud data:    ```bash    sudo mkdir -p /path/to/new/nextcloud_data    ```    Replace `/path/to/new/nextcloud_data` with the desired path. 2. **Set Correct Permissions:**    Next, set the proper ownership and permissions for the new directory:    ```bash    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/new/nextcloud_data    sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/new/nextcloud_data    ``` ### 2. **Move Existing Data** 1. **Stop the Web Server:**    Before moving the data, stop the web server to ensure no files are being accessed:    ```bash    sudo systemctl stop apache2    ``` 2. **Mo

Nextcloud Installation 2.0 #server #cloud #cloudserver

 To install Nextcloud and host your files on a Linux server (like the one running Zorin OS), follow these step-by-step instructions. This guide will cover the installation of Nextcloud using a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP). ### Step 1: Update Your System Before installing any packages, it's good practice to update your system: ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y ``` ### Step 2: Install Apache Web Server Nextcloud requires a web server, and we'll use Apache in this setup. ```bash sudo apt install apache2 -y ``` Start and enable Apache to run on boot: ```bash sudo systemctl start apache2 sudo systemctl enable apache2 ``` ### Step 3: Install MySQL/MariaDB Nextcloud uses a database to store its data. You can choose between MySQL and MariaDB. Install MariaDB (recommended): ```bash sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client -y ``` Secure the MariaDB installation: ```bash sudo mysql_secure_installation ``` During the secure installation, you’ll be prompted

Things to do in linux server #server

 Once you have a Linux server set up, there are numerous things you can do to enhance its functionality, security, and usability. Here's a list of more advanced tasks and configurations you might consider: ### 1. **Basic Security Hardening** - **Firewall Configuration:**   - Set up a firewall using `ufw` (Uncomplicated Firewall) or `iptables` to control incoming and outgoing traffic.   - Example: Allow only SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS:     ```bash     sudo ufw allow OpenSSH     sudo ufw allow http     sudo ufw allow https     sudo ufw enable     ``` - **SSH Hardening:**   - Disable password-based SSH logins and use SSH keys for authentication.   - Change the default SSH port from 22 to something less common.   - Disable root login via SSH by editing `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`. - **Install Fail2Ban:**   - Protect your server from brute-force attacks by installing `fail2ban`:     ```bash     sudo apt install fail2ban     ```   - Configure it to monitor login attempts and ban IPs that show malic

Microsoft edge browser shortcuts #windows #microsoft #browser

 ctrl + shift +  , - toggle the tabs from horizontal to vertical and vice versa. Microsoft edge shortcut keys for produtivity. **microsoft edge shortcut keys** Here are some useful shortcut keys for Microsoft Edge that can help you navigate and manage your browsing experience more efficiently: ### General Navigation: - **Ctrl + T**: Open a new tab. - **Ctrl + W** or **Ctrl + F4**: Close the current tab. - **Ctrl + Shift + T**: Reopen the last closed tab. - **Ctrl + Tab** or **Ctrl + Page Down**: Switch to the next tab. - **Ctrl + Shift + Tab** or **Ctrl + Page Up**: Switch to the previous tab. - **Ctrl + 1-8**: Switch to a specific tab (1 through 8). - **Ctrl + 9**: Switch to the last tab. - **Alt + Home**: Open your homepage. ### Address Bar and Navigation: - **Ctrl + L** or **F6**: Focus on the address bar. - **Ctrl + Enter**: Add "www." and ".com" to the text in the address bar and open the URL. - **Alt + Left Arrow**: Go back to the previous page. - **Alt + Righ

Photoprism - Self hosted google photos #server #photos #googlephotosalternative Here's a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to install **PhotoPrism** on **Zorin OS**. PhotoPrism is a self-hosted solution for browsing, organizing, and sharing your photo collection. ### 1. **Update Your System** First, make sure your system is up to date: ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade ``` ### 2. **Install Docker** PhotoPrism uses Docker to run, so you need to install Docker and Docker Compose. #### Install Docker: ```bash sudo apt install ``` #### Start Docker and enable it to run on startup: ```bash sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker ``` #### Verify the Docker installation: ```bash docker --version ``` #### Install Docker Compose: Download the Docker Compose binary: ```bash sudo curl -L "$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d

Disk Partitioner Tool #windows #linux

`fdisk` and `GParted` are both tools used for managing disk partitions on a computer, but they have different interfaces and levels of complexity. Here's an overview of each: ### 1. **`fdisk`**    - **Type:** Command-line tool    - **Purpose:** `fdisk` is a utility for managing disk partitions on a Linux system. It allows you to create, delete, resize, and organize partitions on a hard drive or USB drive.    - **Common Uses:**      - **Creating Partitions:** You can use `fdisk` to create new partitions on a disk.      - **Deleting Partitions:** If you need to remove a partition, `fdisk` can handle this.      - **Modifying Partition Tables:** It allows for changes to the disk's partition table, such as setting a partition as bootable.    - **Interface:** `fdisk` is entirely text-based, which means it requires typing commands into the terminal. It's powerful but requires a good understanding of how disk partitions work.    - **How to Use:**      - To start `fdisk`, you would

Files managing cmd #windows #explorer

Certainly! Using the Command Prompt or Terminal to execute commands can be very powerful. Here are some additional useful tricks and commands for both Windows and macOS: ### **Windows Command Prompt Tricks:** 1. **Open All Files of a Certain Type:**    ```shell    start *.txt    ```    Opens all `.txt` files in the current directory. Replace `.txt` with any other file extension to open different types of files. 2. **Open a Specific File with a Specific Application:**    ```shell    start winword "example.docx"    ```    Opens `example.docx` in Microsoft Word specifically. Replace `winword` with the executable name of the application you want to use. 3. **Open Multiple Files with Different Extensions:**    ```shell    start file1.docx file2.docx file3.docx    ```    Opens `file1.docx`, `file2.docx`, and `file3.docx` if they are in the current directory. 4. **Run a Program with Arguments:**    ```shell    "C:\Path\To\Program.exe" /arg1 /arg2    ```    Run a program wi

how to send file and folder to ftp server from kali #ftp #server #ftpserver

 To send a file to an FTP server from Kali Linux, you can use several methods. Here are two common ones: Sending Filers ### Using the `ftp` Command-Line Tool 1. **Open a terminal.** 2. **Connect to the FTP server:**    ```bash    ftp 2221    ```    Replace `` with the FTP server's IP address and `2221` with the port number. 3. **Log in with your credentials.**    You will be prompted to enter your username and password. 4. **Navigate to the directory on the FTP server where you want to upload the file:**    ```ftp    cd /path/on/ftp/server    ```    Replace `/path/on/ftp/server` with the actual path where you want to upload the file. 5. **Upload the file:**    ```ftp    put /home/maverick/Desktop/Folder/your_file.txt    ```    Replace `/home/maverick/Desktop/Folder/your_file.txt` with the path to your local file. 6. **Close the connection:**    ```ftp    bye    ``` ### Using `curl` Command-Line Tool 1. **Open a terminal.** 2. **Use the `curl` command to upload

FTP Server - From setting up to use it as client and as well as server #ftp #server #ftpserver

  how to connect to ftp server command in kali linux To connect to an FTP server using the command line in Kali Linux, you can use the `ftp` or `lftp` command. Here's how to use both: ### Using `ftp` 1. **Open a Terminal**:    Open a terminal window in Kali Linux. 2. **Connect to the FTP Server**:    Use the `ftp` command followed by the server address. For example:    ```bash    ftp    ```    Replace `` with the address of the FTP server you want to connect to. 3. **Login**:    When prompted, enter the username and password for the FTP server. 4. **Use FTP Commands**:    Once connected, you can use FTP commands such as `ls` (list files), `cd` (change directory), `get` (download file), and `put` (upload file).    ```bash    ftp> ls    ftp> cd directory_name    ftp> get filename    ftp> put filename    ``` 5. **Quit**:    To exit the FTP session, type:    ```bash    ftp> bye    ``` ### Using `lftp` 1. **Open a Terminal**:    Open a termi