Files managing cmd #windows #explorer

Certainly! Using the Command Prompt or Terminal to execute commands can be very powerful. Here are some additional useful tricks and commands for both Windows and macOS:

### **Windows Command Prompt Tricks:**

1. **Open All Files of a Certain Type:**
   start *.txt
   Opens all `.txt` files in the current directory. Replace `.txt` with any other file extension to open different types of files.

2. **Open a Specific File with a Specific Application:**
   start winword "example.docx"
   Opens `example.docx` in Microsoft Word specifically. Replace `winword` with the executable name of the application you want to use.

3. **Open Multiple Files with Different Extensions:**
   start file1.docx file2.docx file3.docx
   Opens `file1.docx`, `file2.docx`, and `file3.docx` if they are in the current directory.

4. **Run a Program with Arguments:**
   "C:\Path\To\Program.exe" /arg1 /arg2
   Run a program with specific arguments. Ensure the path is in quotes if it contains spaces.

5. **List Files in a Directory:**
   Lists all files and directories in the current directory. Use `dir /s` to list files in all subdirectories.

6. **Copy Files to Another Directory:**
   copy *.docx D:\Backup
   Copies all `.docx` files from the current directory to `D:\Backup`.

7. **Delete Files:**
   del *.tmp
   Deletes all `.tmp` files in the current directory. Be cautious with this command!

### **macOS Terminal Tricks:**

1. **Open All Files of a Certain Type:**
   open *.pdf
   Opens all `.pdf` files in the current directory. Change `.pdf` to the desired file extension.

2. **Open a Specific File with a Specific Application:**
   open -a "Microsoft Word" example.docx
   Opens `example.docx` with Microsoft Word. Replace `"Microsoft Word"` with any application name.

3. **Open Multiple Files:**
   open file1.docx file2.docx file3.docx
   Opens `file1.docx`, `file2.docx`, and `file3.docx` in their default applications.

4. **Run a Script or Program:**
   Executes a shell script in the current directory. Ensure the script has executable permissions (`chmod +x`).

5. **List Files in a Directory:**
   Lists files and directories in the current directory. Use `ls -l` for detailed information.

6. **Copy Files to Another Directory:**
   cp *.txt /path/to/destination/
   Copies all `.txt` files from the current directory to the specified path.

7. **Delete Files:**
   rm *.tmp
   Deletes all `.tmp` files in the current directory. Use `rm -rf` for directories, but be very careful with this command!

These commands and tricks should help you work more efficiently with files and applications using the command line on both Windows and macOS.
