The error message you're seeing indicates that the host key for the SSH server at `` has changed since the last time you connected to it. This could happen for legitimate reasons (like the server being reinstalled or reconfigured) or potentially due to a security issue (like a man-in-the-middle attack).

Here’s how you can fix this issue:

1. **Remove the offending key**: Follow the suggestion in the error message to remove the offending key from your `known_hosts` file. In your case, the offending key is identified on line 6 of `/home/maverick/.ssh/known_hosts`.

   To remove the key, run the following command in your terminal:


   ssh-keygen -f '/home/maverick/.ssh/known_hosts' -R ''


   This command removes the entry for `` from your `known_hosts` file, allowing you to establish a new connection without encountering the warning.

2. **Establish the connection**: After removing the old key, try to SSH again to ``:


   ssh Maverick@


3. **Verify and add the new key**: When you connect again, SSH will prompt you to verify the authenticity of the host by displaying the fingerprint of the new key. Verify that this fingerprint matches what you expect (you might need to contact your system administrator if you're unsure). If it matches, type `yes` to add the new key to your `known_hosts` file.

4. **Connect securely**: After verifying and adding the new key, you should be able to connect to `` without encountering the warning.

### Important Considerations:

- **Security**: If you did not recently expect the host key to change, it’s crucial to ensure that the new key fingerprint matches the expected fingerprint. This helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.


- **Contact Administrator**: If you are unsure about the legitimacy of the key change or if you suspect foul play, contact your system administrator or IT department for guidance before proceeding.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED" warning and connect to your SSH server securely.





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