Openssh windows from start to end


1. Install OpenSSH Server

Using PowerShell:
# Install OpenSSH Server
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~

Using Command Prompt as Administrator:

# Install OpenSSH Server
powershell -Command "Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~"

2. Start and Enable OpenSSH Server

Using PowerShell:

# Start OpenSSH Server

Start-Service sshd

# Set OpenSSH Server to start automatically

Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'

Using Command Prompt as Administrator:

# Start OpenSSH Server

net start sshd

# Set OpenSSH Server to start automatically

sc config sshd start= auto

3. Check the Status of the OpenSSH Server

Using PowerShell:

# Check status

Get-Service -Name sshd

Using Command Prompt:

# Check status

sc query sshd

4. Configure Firewall Rules

Using PowerShell:

# Add a firewall rule to allow SSH traffic

New-NetFirewallRule -Name sshd -DisplayName 'OpenSSH Server (sshd)' -Enabled True -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -LocalPort 22

Using Command Prompt as Administrator:

# Add a firewall rule to allow SSH traffic

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="OpenSSH Server (sshd)" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=22

5. Connect to the SSH Server

Using Command Prompt:

# Connect to SSH server

ssh username@hostname_or_ip

6. Stop and Disable OpenSSH Server

Using PowerShell:

# Stop OpenSSH Server

Stop-Service sshd

# Disable OpenSSH Server

Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Disabled'

Using Command Prompt as Administrator:

# Stop OpenSSH Server

net stop sshd

# Disable OpenSSH Server

sc config sshd start= disabled

These commands should help you manage your SSH server on a Windows machine using either Command Prompt or PowerShell.

7. Restart OpenSSH Server

Using PowerShell:

# Restart OpenSSH Server

Restart-Service sshd

Using Command Prompt as Administrator:

# Restart OpenSSH Server

net stop sshd

net start sshd

8. Checking SSH Server Logs

SSH server logs can be helpful for troubleshooting.

Using PowerShell:

# View recent SSH server log entries

Get-WinEvent -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-OpenSSH/Operational' | select -Last 20

Using Command Prompt:

# Open Event Viewer to view logs


9. Uninstall OpenSSH Server

Using PowerShell:

# Uninstall OpenSSH Server

Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~

Using Command Prompt as Administrator:

# Uninstall OpenSSH Server

powershell -Command "Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~"

10. SSH Configuration Files

# Open the SSH configuration file in Notepad
notepad C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config


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