Copy Files from pc2 to pc1 using scp in ssh

 To transfer files from PC2 to PC1 using SSH, you can use the scp (secure copy) command. Here’s how you can do it:

For Files

From PC1 (where you are logged in via SSH)

  1. Open a Terminal:

    • If you're on Windows, you might be using an SSH client like PuTTY or Windows Terminal.
    • If you're on Linux or macOS, open your terminal application.
  2. Use scp Command:

    • The basic syntax of scp is: scp [options] [source] [destination].
    • In your case, since you are on PC1 and want to copy files from PC2 to PC1, the command will run from PC1.
  3. Copy from PC2 to PC1:

    • Replace [username], [pc2_ip_address], and [file_path_on_pc2] with the appropriate values.
    • [username]@[pc2_ip_address]:[file_path_on_pc2] specifies the file on PC2.
    • [destination_path_on_pc1] specifies where to save the file on PC1.
    scp [username]@[pc2_ip_address]:[file_path_on_pc2] [destination_path_on_pc1]


    scp user@ /home/localuser/
    • This command will copy file.txt from /home/user/ on PC2 to /home/localuser/ on PC1.
  4. Authentication:

    • When you run the scp command, you may be prompted to enter the password for the user on PC2 (unless you've set up SSH keys for passwordless login).
  5. Transfer Complete:

    • Once the transfer is complete, you should see a confirmation message indicating the transfer details.

Additional Notes:

  • Permissions: Ensure the user on PC2 has necessary permissions to read the file you want to copy.
  • Firewall: If either PC1 or PC2 is behind a firewall, ensure that SSH (port 22 by default) is allowed through.
  • SSH Keys: For automated or passwordless transfers, consider setting up SSH keys between PC1 and PC2.

For Directory
scp -r user@ /home/localuser/

just add -r for directory copying.

From Kali Linux to Windows File sharing

scp -r maverick@ Maverick@
